Making Income On The Road
If you are traveling full time in your van how do you make money on the road? Some people work remote, others find gigs along the way. Here are a few ideas on how to make income while traveling in your van.
April 1st, 2022
If you are traveling full time in your van how do you make money on the road? Some people work remote, others find gigs along the way. Here are a few ideas on how to make income while traveling in your van.
April 1st, 2022
Remote work has become very common since the pandemic and it looks like the option to work remote is here to stay. Nowadays it is easier to find a job where all you need to work is a laptop and a good wi-fi signal. A variety of fields offer remote work positions and many have great pay. Working remote is ideal for vanlifers. There is something special about working from your van overlooking the ocean and drinking a warm cup of joe.
People have been traveling around selling things out of their carts and buggies since carts and buggies were invented. If you have a trade or are a maker, there are many places where you can post up and sell your handmade goods. I would rather buy something from the person who made it than go into a store. You can display your skills and make money while you do it.
If you are an artist or a musician there are plenty of opportunities to display and showcase your art. Whether you line gigs up along your way or find places to play as you go. With a low overhead, vanlife is ideal for traveling musicians and artists of all kinds.